Sunday, September 9, 2012

Aging Officers: A Dilemma Worth considering

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Social Work License! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Imagine that you have come home to gawk a burglar in your home. Swiftly leaving your residence, you call the police with your cell phone. Several minutes later an elderly police officer arrives, gets out of his car and gradually approaches you using a cane to help him walk. As he gets closer you observation he is wearing hearing aids. Not exactly a confidence-builder, but this aging officer asks you if anything else is in the house or if there are any weapons in the house and where they are located. These questions seem reasonable.

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How is Aging Officers: A Dilemma Worth considering

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A few moments later, two younger officers arrive and payment towards the house with their guns drawn. The elder officer stops them and tells them to go to the rear entry of the house. As other officers arrive, the elder officer assigns them to take up positions colse to the house and near windows. He then gets on his bullhorn and advises the burglar the house is surrounded by police and if the burglar comes out with no weapons and hands in the air, he will not get hurt. The burglar complies. No one is injured and no property is stolen.

When the burglar is taken into custody, a sawed-off shotgun is found inside the house. It belongs to the burglar. Now, this aging officer looks brilliant.

The question with Aging

Gross motor skills peak at age 30. It's all downhill after that; or at least that is what we have been led to believe.

The 5 senses do decline with age. These changes can have a great impact not only on job operation but on pleasure in the capability of life. Our senses tell us a lot about the world. They pick up data that is changed into nerve signals and carried to the brain where that data becomes a message we can understand. The starting point for the senses is stimulation, and the older a person gets, the more stimulation required for a clear message.

*Hearing and balance begin to decrease as parts of the ear lose functionality. Because the ear also affects balance, as we age balance and hearing come to be more difficult. High-pitched sounds are regularly the first to deteriorate. Generally, this begins colse to age 50.

*Vision is affected by age. Essentially, it gets harder to answer to changes between light and darkness. The eye lens, which helps focus images, becomes less flexible; often requiring reading glasses. The eye muscle also loses tone, manufacture it a bit harder to see details.

*Taste and Smell are intricately linked. Some smells verily have a confident degree of taste. Permissible taste and smell are also protection valves - informing us about the proximity of hazardous gas, smoke or even spoiled food. Although there are no definitive studies which suggest these 2 senses deteriorate with age, there is evidence that the number of active taste buds decrease with age.

*Touch includes the capability to feel vibration, pressure, temperature, and pain. These abilities decrease with age.

Clearly, the senses are foremost to all people but they play a necessary skills role with soldiers, law enforcement officers and fire-fighters - for confident reasons. As these necessary skills diminish, the effectiveness in the field would diminish as well, at least for tasks which wish these skills.

Is there a way for your department to detect the decline of these necessary skills in aging officers?

The relinquishment & condition Care Factor

About 77 million baby boomers begin to enter relinquishment age in 2011. Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. For the next 19 years, 10,000 will reach age 65 each day. One big question with this is there are not enough funds for them to retire on.

Traditionally, police and fire personnel have had generously defined pension plans that, for the most part, allow them to retire earlier than people in other occupations, with a healthy ration of their salary. Many retire by age 56. This trend industrialized based on the reliance that people in these professions lived shorter lives due to the danger and stress complex in these occupations, along with a greater risk of injury. Turns out Not to be the case. There are other professions that are a lot more dangerous.

The median life expectancy for all workers is about 78 years old. Pension studies consistently indicate the longer a laborer works, the shorter their improbable life span. Public protection has begun to pay out more than it is taking in.

Two added factors are the dramatic rise in the cost of condition care and the global financial meltdown, which wiped out a large ration of accumulated wealth that was invested in varied funds dedicated to retirement. Cities and counties are more susceptible to bankruptcy than they have been. Many current civil servant pension plans are now grossly underfunded. Eventually, these pension plans will have to turn because they are not sustainable. Boomers are also more likely to work longer, out of necessity. In one survey, 40% said they will work "until they drop".

The mixture of these influences will create an environment where officers may be forced to work past the current primary relinquishment age because they cannot afford not to. The generous pension plans of yesterday will be a thing of the past. At the same time their necessary motor skills and senses will be declining. Given these demographics, it would be economical for law enforcement agencies to begin to prepare for an aging officer workforce.

New Research

Current explore suggests that fine motor skills acquired over a lifetime involve many structures in the brain, and after time those structures come to be "highways". With an amateur these structures are very active. But as the amateur becomes an expert, less brain action is required to carry out the process. In other words, although the aging expert experiences the same deterioration in motor skills that the aging non-expert experiences in unrelated tasks; the aging expert retains the skills learned over a lifetime through decades of practice.

This supports the primary ideas that Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman put forth in their great book - First, Break All the Rules: What the World's greatest Managers Do Differently.

Among other things, they assert:

*Talents are not the same as skill or knowledge. Talent is an altogether distinct phenomenon.

*Every person has a "filter"; a characteristic way of responding to the world colse to him. We all do. Your filter tells you which stimuli to observation and which to ignore; which to love and which to hate. Everyone's filter is unique. Your filter is always working. Of all the possibilities of things you could do or feel or think, your filter is constantly telling you the few things you must do, or feel, or think. Your filter, more than your race, sex, age or nationality, Is you. A person's mental filter is as enduring and unique as their fingerprint.

*Neuroscience explore tells us that beyond our mid-teens there is a limit to how much character we can re-carve. This means in terms of mental pathways, no number of training, coaching or encouragement will enable person to turn the barren wastelands in their brain into frictionless 4-lane highways. Beyond our mid-teens, we either have it or we don't; anything that may be.

*Neuroscience explore confirms the filter, and that the recurring patterns of behavior the filter creates are enduring. This filtering process is what creates exact talents. You cannot teach talent. It is already there.

Additionally, new explore suggests that aging adults who stay socially active and engaged not only keep their intellectual skills sharp, but their motor skills as well. This has serious implications for aging officers, who possess wisdom and skill sets that younger officers have not yet acquired.

This data leads me to suggest that the aging officer, who possesses all of this talent that has been soaked for Several decades in feel - should not be encouraged to retire, be stuck into a society aid position or relegated to desk duty. The aging officer's skill sets and talent should be matched with a real need within their department or department - where their primary talents and "highways" can be utilized effectively.

The question with Qualifications

Theoretically, the decline in an officer's skills would first be noticed while department or department each year qualifications. The question is that most agencies do not wish qualifications that would accurately correlate these skills. Most agencies do wish each year shooting qualifications, but it is extremely unlikely the decline in cognitive function, the senses and overall mental condition will be discovered while a shooting qualification.

As a Use of Force, firearms, self defense and martial arts instructor I have noticed that as I age my physical abilities are declining. I am not as fast as I used to be and I have lost muscle mass. It takes longer to recover from routine injuries linked with what I do. I have had to adjust my workout routines to adapt what is happening with my body. For the most part, this means a greater emphasis on stretching and cardiovascular training, and less emphasis on drive training. Conversely, I have also noticed that I am much wiser than I was at a younger age. I do not have to think much about solutions to problems that are presented within my area of expertise. If I do have to engage in a violent encounter my evaluation of behavior and choice of action is quicker and surer than it was many years ago. I am also more strict at assessing and predicting human behavior. There is evidence of the decline in motor skills and the "highways" that are within me.

For over two decades my primary clients were criminal justice professionals. When dealing with these varied agencies I always recommended Us consummate Court guidelines in the application of Use of Force. That is, to contribute introductory overall training followed by 2-year refreshers. As some of the agencies I had initially trained asked me to come back and escort refresher training I began to observation that while refresher training, some aging officers were struggling and it was clear that their motor skills were deteriorating. I also noticed some of them showing the younger guys how to do the techniques. Herein lays someone else example of deteriorating motor skills but enduring "highways" of knowledge and feel in aging officers.

Presumably, the standards that accompany use of force training are a follow of the potential liability linked with officers using force. However, each department sets its own qualification standards. In general, there are no universal federal or state standards for department qualifications.

A quick primer on some terms that are oftentimes linked with law enforcement qualifications might be helpful.

*A accepted is an exact value established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results. Often, standards are published in a document that contains a technical specification or other strict criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule, guideline or definition.

Practical example: To pass my Basic Handgun & Self Defense procedure the learner must score 100% on the written test and 80% or best on the shooting qualification - defined as hitting the silhouette of a target at 21 feet using a total of 20 bullets.

*A Certification is a statement that meets or will bond to confident conditions and will undertake or not undertake confident actions. Certification programs contribute a means of assuring that an officer has the characteristics or meets the requirements contained in a standard.

Practical example: Upon victorious completion of the Basic Handgun & Self Defense Course, the learner receives a certificate indicating they have met those standards (in expanding to a few others). This certificate allows the learner to derive a permit to carry.

*An Accreditation is a procedure (not a statement) by which an authoritative body formally recognizes that a body or person is competent to carry out exact tasks.

Practical example: At charge Prevention, in order for an instructor to receive accreditation they need to demonstrate cognitive capability through written examinations and interviews, but they must also demonstrate motor skill competence based on a set of standards for each technique, and possess the capability to teach courses based on a studying ideas model. Once these things are demonstrated successfully, the instructor receives accreditation.

If there are no universal national or state standards for agencies to adopt, how do they choose what needs qualification? How often should an officer be required to qualify? Which skills wish qualification? What are the standards for those qualifications?

Officer Training

Almost every state has some type of board that governs law enforcement training by statute. In Minnesota, state statutes and menagerial rules wish the following for a Minnesota Peace Officer. Prior to becoming a licensed officer an private must attend training that includes:

*History and summary of the criminal justice system.
*Minnesota statute law.
*Constitutional law and criminal procedure.
*Juvenile justice ideas and procedure.
*Patrol procedures.
*Criminal investigation and testifying.
*Human behavior and emergency intervention.
*Defensive tactics and use of force.
*Cultural awareness and response to crime victims.

Additionally, in order to avow a licensed peace officer status, the required hours of persisting instruction are:

*16 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least six months but less than 18 months.
*32 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least 18 months but less than 30 months.
*48 hours for a peace officer or a part-time peace officer who has been licensed for at least 30 months.

The persisting instruction that is accepted by the Minnesota P.O.S.T. Board must fit into the topical areas indicated above.

Continuing instruction is distinct than a qualification. Qualifications are typically used to correlate an officer's abilities. Shooting qualifications are approximately universally used within agencies to decide if an officer can still shoot straight. However, shooting qualifications vary widely from basic target shooting to full blown shooting simulations - and all things in between.

So What?

The universal shooting qualification is based on the large liability linked with an officer using their firearm. This is a no-brainer. The qualification is supposed to reduce department and officer liability in the event of a shooting incident. The monetary damages that follow from a lawsuit in which death or serious injury is the follow of an officer's actions can be disastrous.

It is next to impossible to derive strict statistics with regard to officer complex shootings because there is no such data base. Based on Several studies that are available, there are about 405 officer complex shootings a year, just based on adjusting these figures to the current Us population. Fbi statistics from 2007 seem to reinforce this number as not being wildly out of proportion - based on the 391 justified killings by police that year. For argument sake let's generously round up the number of officer complex shootings to 500 per year.

The point? Shooting qualifications are conducted because of the great liability and risk of monetary damages that some with a lawsuit. Yet, there are 500 of these incidents per year. They are Not conducted because of the regularity of occurrences. In 2009 there were 57,268 officers assaulted while performing their duties. This shape does not contain the number of times police used physical force on someone, just officers that were assaulted. Presumably, the number of officers complex in Any use of force incident would be much higher. Yet, there are very few agencies that wish actual each year qualifications in the application of use of force; both physically and cognitively.

If we take this line of mental a few steps further, there should be each year qualifications for the skills that make officers effective. These qualifications would contain things like cognitive function, overall mental health, use of force application, basic investigative procedures and interpersonal communications. Those things are regularly presented as training opportunities or persisting instruction rather than qualifications.

Proof of the Problem

The Force Science establish recently released the following findings in regard to their explore into current law enforcement training methods.

*The median officer within months of leaving an academy will be able only to report how a given suspect-control technique should be used but will have "little ability" to verily apply it effectively in "a dynamic encounter with a defiantly resistant subject."

*At the rate academy and in-service training is typically delivered, it could take the median road cop up to 45 years to receive the number of hours of training and practice in arrest-and-control and officer-safety techniques that a learner athlete gets in competing sports while the usual high school career.

*Many police training programs are not employing modern research-based methods of successfully teaching psychomotor skills, a shortcoming compounded by the fact that current record-keeping fails to capture even the most elementary relevant data about the dynamic nature of real-world assaults on Leos.

Their bottom-line conclusion: Time and cost concerns are "so restrictive that they significantly compromise the suitability and sufficiency" of current physical force training. Yet, officers are assaulted oftentimes and use less than lethal force frequently. And, there are no each year qualifications for use of force. Interesting.


There are Several issues that converge in this article.

*Aging officers will have to work longer to a greater relinquishment age.

*As these officers age there will be a decline in their necessary skills, yet they will support necessary knowledge and wisdom that are required for success in the profession.

*Current qualification standards are inadequate. There should be universally accepted qualification standards that perform four things.

1. Reduces all use of force liability.

2. Evaluates an officer's capability to successfully deal with circumstances they will routinely face.

3. Evaluates the skills that make officers effective.

4. Accurately correlate and value the cognitive, emotional and physical skills of aging officers.

Agencies would be well-advised to prepare for the inevitable; an aging workforce. Smart employers will establish qualification standards that effectively value an officer's skills and capitalize upon the aging officer's talents. By applying these ideas and developing new approaches, agencies will - long term - save money and reduce liability. They will reduce liability because their qualifications will verily correlate necessary skills and talent based on situations officers routinely face. They will save money because, as an added benefit, studies consistently agree that satisfied employees are up to 50% more productive, safe, profitable and loyal than those who are not.

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