Monday, September 10, 2012

Get Paid For Listening - The Power of communication in business - A Story

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Association Of Social Work Boards! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Recently, a friend recited to me a gorgeous story. A Story richer in meaning then most I have read or heard. It is a story of a girl, her father and a sure old man. In retrospect, the moral of the story could probably be the source of the wisdom that saved Toyota, the world's largest automobile manufacturer, when it recently faced its biggest threat yet....a sticky accelerator.

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How is Get Paid For Listening - The Power of communication in business - A Story

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Association Of Social Work Boards.

Effective transportation entails good listening: A story

There was a girl, who like it is the case with most daughters, held a special place in her father's life. Naturally so, they spent a lot of time together. The father of the girl being a good parent, always took effort to make time spent with his daughter as healthy as he could.

Since the girl was not yet at that age where awkward conversations on her menstrual flows would have dominated the conversations, her father chose to use the long periods of time they spent together, to pass on lessons that he carefully to have held him in good stead straight through out his life.

The episode on the art of communicating

Among many other things, the girl's father chose to stress to his daughter, the art of listening.

So it came to be that the wee girl acquired breathtaking listening skills. Even at an early age, her friends would frequently marvel at how she could clearly remember conversations that they had ages ago. The wee girl got so good at listening, that she could effortlessly present both past and gift conversations with an exactness that was breathtaking as it was envious.

What was the point of all this listening?

It happened that an old man, lived next door to the girl and her father. Every morning, the old man and the girl's father would converse over the short picket fence that the two shared for hours on end. This ritual had been an event that doted the whole existence of the wee girl. As a consequence of its habit nature, it had come to be hardly noticeable to the girl. In fact, if you were to ask her, the conversations mattered wee to her. To our wee listener, all that was just mundane adult talk.

As the girl grew up, she became better at her unique gift, it soon caught the attention of her teachers, strangers and inevitably her father. The girl, on her part, saw no better use for her gift in listening, save for it being a means by which she could amuse friends and foes alike. To her, it was just an additional one thing.

However, her father had other plans. He decided to task the girl further. After production it known to her how much she had made him proud, he asked one more thing of her: To start listening to what the old man said.

The father also made it a point to make it clear to his daughter that the task would only be completed when she knew what those morning conversations were all about.

In doing this, he (the father) explained to her (the girl) that he appreciated how much she could remember and subsequently recite, but he still required more from her. For her to achieve this extra bit, all she had to do was to listen to the old man.

The moral of story

Time passed and the girl indulged herself in her new task. Finally, after a while, her father came to her and asked her if she had found out what it is that the conversations the he and the old man ordinarily had were about.

Instead of the usual recital the girl would have ordinarily performed, she had this to say, "The old man talks of many things. Most, are about his many the many regrets of his life."

At this juncture, father looked at his daughter and had equally fewer words, " Now go forth my daughter and listen to the birds, listen to rocks.....listen to the universe."

Role of transportation in business and the workplace

Communication serves as a medium upon which business transactions occur. It enables market needs to be assessed, products to be subsequently developed, distributed & marketed and disputes arising from business transactions to be settled. The sum product of which is that transportation is the paper upon which business deals are struck.

In today's globalized economy, transportation is of single importance. This is principally because fellowships increasingly need to understand new clients and work in cultural environments that different from those in their home countries.

Quite often, cultural and language differences come in the way of communication. For example, a base expression like a smile may be indeed mis-interpreted in some parts of the world. While it is ordinary to think of a smile as a sign of happiness, in most African cultures, a smile may be an indication of embarrassment. This is especially so if the someone smiling appears recoiled, facing the ground or perspires in otherwise ambient conditions.When a similar breakdown in transportation occurs in the workplace, the concerned assosication faces the danger of failing to meet its objectives.

On a lighter note it is said that in earlier times, exposure of the teeth, as as one does when smiling, indicated aggressiveness; a fact that early explorers realized too late on encountering indigenous tribes.

Eye caress is an additional one example, while eye caress is desirable in American culture; in Japan, insisting on eye caress may be seen by the other party as impolite and deemed an intrusion of personal space.

On transportation courses: productive transportation is best learned when both taught and experienced

The importance of productive transportation in business is stressed in many of the lecture rooms where hereafter Ceo s, Cfo s, Md s and business Presidents are nurtured. transportation studies is also an integral part of Mba courses and is also offered as a stand alone course in many business schools, colleges and universities.

On the other hand, it is an open secret that business coaching, the in vogue phenomenon in Small & Medium Enterprises development, is entirely dependent on good communication.

The signs could not have been anymore obvious, this apparent "obsession" with transportation in the spheres of business training, highlights the axle- rod- like kind of importance of transportation in any form of business along with even Online trading portals.

Now that we have appreciated the gravity of this issue, I will not turn this description into an additional one rant or effort make it some pathetic semblance of a classroom; but in keeping in with the manner of my start, I will profile, regurgitate and contextualize the thoughts of more esteemed individuals. The thoughts of leaders drawn from over the board who at some point cared to speak on this diverse and considerable subject.

My wisdom for this unusual approach, stems from recognition that the situation at hand is far from the expected. In spite of the range of transportation theories developed in the up-to-date past, productive transportation still remains an elusive condition. A condition, that we have seen to be an absolute must for starting, growing and succeeding in business.

This approach should not be seen as a mockery of formal training regimes, as it in essence heavily borrows from such tried and tested programs. In addition, it is my view that transportation theories dispensed in business schools and in training workshops (aimed at developing human resource), offer the learner the added benefit of acquisition of a deeper understanding of the branch area. This deeper understanding, equips learners with more flexible transportation and interpersonal skills.

However, it is of note that most of these training opportunities are offered at a premium. This makes them largely inaccessible to most would be entrepreneurs and business owners.

Communication Etiquette

Q:What is transportation etiquette?

As a matter of necessity rather than a form reprieve; entrepreneurs can apply simple, indeed understood and accessible tools to improve their transportation skills. An area where improvements can be made in order to ensure profitability in business is transportation etiquette. The key in understanding etiquette lies in understanding what productive transportation entails. Viewing it in this light, any behavior or act that stands in the way of transportation is then carefully to be uncouth. To enable us put this in perspective, we need to think the words of a man who is acclaimed for his prowess in the trade of communication. Irish literary Critic, Playwright and Essayist- George Bernard Shaw. I

"The single biggest question in transportation is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw- Winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, image via Wikipedia

A: George Bernard Shaw's articulations enable us to crystallize the "Etiquette" in business transportation into four guiding self- explanatory ideas that must be carefully when communicating:

* What is being communicated i.e the Message.

* When to say it i.e the Time.

* How to say i.e the Form of transportation medium.

* Whom to say it to i.e characterization of the Recipient.

The what, the when, the how and the whom-so to say are the guiding beacons that should be sought by any business owner groping in the darkness of ineffective communication.

Practising these four ideas entails being a good listener.

Why good listening equals success in business

According a ideas fronted by a master in the field of communications, Hayakawa, the potential of transportation is directly influenced by the potential of listening. The listening referred to here involves more than Naturally hearing the sounds of words and maintaining a polite silence while at it, or the excellent recital of words like the girl in the story above did. It involves actively pursuing the meanings intended by the conveyor of the message, with the sole aim of attempting to elucidate the message from the perspective of the conveyor of the message (refer to story end).

An apt allegory for this would be found in the base saying " to wear someone else shoes " only that this time you would have to walk in them as elaborated in Hayakawa's description of what listening should entail below:

" Listening means trying to see the question the way the speaker sees it - which
means not sympathy, which is feeling for him, but empathy, which is experiencing
with him. Listening requires entering actively and imaginatively into the other
fellow's situation and trying to understand a frame of reference (life experiences)
different from your own."

This approach to listening is rooted in the factory that a word may hold different means to different population in lieu of their life different life experiences. A base example cited to elucidate the power this knowledge holds in conducting business is the hilarious fiasco that the entry of a important European candy business into American markets turned into. The business had chosen the unfortunate name- "Zit" which in American urban language refers to a pimple, the kind that troubles teenagers.

Here, the business failed to listen and thus failed its first hurdle. This is because transportation in business begins at the point when the business is christened. By failing to listen by considering the different life experiences of this new market (American Market), the business did not think the what, when, how and whom ideas mentioned above. The ensue was catastrophic to say the least, a candy business ended up sending out the wrong message to the market- that of a quirky dermatological condition instead of the joy that confectioneries are linked with.

How then can an entrepreneur learn to listen thus improve transportation between him/her and his business contacts?

Tip One: Be aware of cultural differences to effectively present in business


-Recognize that the conveyor of the message holds different perspectives and reliance systems from your own.
-Avoid production rush conclusions based on your own spontaneous perceptions and prejudices.

Tip Two: To achieve success in your business by employing productive communication-Empathize


-Make a point of seeking the meaning as it is to the conveyor.
-Ignore your own reliance systems and step into the shoes of the speaker and wear their lenses.
-Tactfully ask clarifying questions and avoid being nasty while at it.
-Sputter the conversation with periods where you, in subtle ways, repeat (just like the girl in the story) what the conveyor of the message has already communicated. This should always be inter- mixed with seeking clarification from the second party on either they agree with your interpretation of the matter.

Tip Three: Have Courage: Learn from "Courage the Cowardly Dog"

To summarize it all, the words of one of the world's most predominant leaders- Britain's wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

Fans of this cartoon network show, know "courage" well. If you don't this is an opening to custom what we have already carefully to entail good communication. Get your son/daughter, younger brother/sister, younger niece/ nephew, basically whatever who you know watches the show along with adult acquaintances and listen as they introduce you to courage.

All the same, Courage is a complex, anxious and freaky seeing dog character who lives with his master Eustace and his master's wife Muriel in a desolated farm house. Their home is frequently stalked by danger which comes in the form of discrete devious characters and beasts possessing eerie powers.

Courage despite being a rather cowardly dog, quite often saves his masters from demise. Somehow, he is the only member of the family who is knowledgeable of the haunted nature of their house. He's unable to talk (remember he is a Dog!) and is indeed startled, but he always manages to overcome these handicaps and warn, sometimes ferry his masters to protection whenever the unwelcome visitors drop by.

Likewise, in learning to present well, and also to furnish a platform for tips 1 & 2 to apply, courage on the part of the listener (entrepreneur?, business owner?) is important. This is because agreeing to some schools of thought, the listener Hayakawa's model is in danger of being influenced by the reliance systems of the conveyor of the message. This influence becomes negative when it erodes gains that the listener had earlier made as the private may lose their own ideas (that they have developed over many years).

Tip Four:Understanding body language to effectively present and boost your business


- think the Soften approach.

"Use non-verbal transportation to Soften the hard-line position of others: S = Smile, O = Open Posture, F = forward Lean, T = Touch, E = Eye Contact, N = Nod."

As a norm borne out of routine, most entrepreneurs are like the general populace, are one tracked. This means that they recognize, elucidate and apply only one form of communication- verbal communication. This is because most population fail to visually recognize an together with form of language; the language of body language, a form of non - verbal communication.

Personal space, pacing, position, posture, para-language, facial expression, gesture, touch, locomotion, eye contact, adornment, context and physiological responses like sweating and flushing of the cheeks, are some of the different categories of non- verbal communication.

All these forms of non verbal transportation are vital tools to the discerning business owner. How? You might ask. Hopefully thoughtful notice the following examples of daily business scenarios might help,

Scenario 1: When production that deal, How shifty are the eyes of the the other party?

Scenario 2: When hiring that much needed labor,how much of eye caress occurs?

While you ponder on the inherent subtle messages that can be picked by carefully analyzing the body language of the second parties in the scenarios above, it should be noted that body language is a constellation of symbols. These symbols only present (bear meaning, when collectively viewed rather than when they are analyzed in isolation, just like as it is the case with verbal forms of communication. The bottom-line is that any single body gesture should be interpreted in the context of the whole. This is because any one single gesture may have many meanings and can thus be indeed mis-interpreted when analyzed singularly.

Tip Five: Join the band wagon- Neuro Linguistic programing (Nlp), the new front in Communication

You have probably heard of Derren Brown, a predominant television host, illusionist and entertainer, who is among the range of celebrities that front, apply and nature this pragmatic form of thinking. It has even been claimed in some circles that the allure of one of Tv's popular babes- Marylin Monroe comes down to Nlp.

what is Neuro-linguistic programming (Nlp)?

Neuro linguistic programming explains the interaction of human perception organs (the Neurological ideas e.g brain, nerves, eyes, ears), language (and societal norms) and reliance systems ( communal rules which report the programming aspect). Nlp explains how these factors collude to found reality for any given individual.
To elucidate this further, it is worth considering the description of the tenets of Nlp by one of the pioneers of this field Richard Bandler

"You want to come to be competent at whatever you do. That does not mean to get phobics, who shake in their boots while their blood pressure blows straight through the roof, to believe,"This is not fear."

The object is to get them to stay calm and alert, and to stay in their own lane, and to drive over the bridge, which remains standing.
Ask yourself; "Can we build better?" To build those things we have to be able to suspend whatever reliance ideas we already have. Keep it out of the way...

Those things get very, very personal. We're talking about basic beliefs concerning human capability. Here's the only truth about that. Nobody knows."

This statement by Richard Bandler encompasses the customary constructs of Nlp. It urges individuals to be aware of the interactions between their Neurological system, language and societal programming in order to fully understand their own perceptions of things i.e their reality.

In Nlp it is believed that by understanding these interactions, individuals can be able to alter one of the course of how they behave when they encounter a given stimulus. It therefore gives individuals the potential to operate their natural spontaneous response to keen situations and chose to behave in a manner that is more appropriate and beneficial.

For instance, communal speaking posses an insurmountable challenge to many. Palpitations, drenching perspiration and un-explained tacyponea are all base observe-ables in most individuals when asked to address a communal platform. The triggering event for the un-wanted chain of events (sweating, palpitations etc) in this case is indeed identifiable as communal speaking! From this point then it becomes inherent to avert it by reconstructing our reality as far as communal speaking is concerned and stop perceiving it as a noxious situation but as an opportunity.

That may sound a wee confusing but the scope of Nlp is beyond this description but numerous sources of information on the branch can be effortlessly available on the Internet such as the Derren Brown videos on You Tube. It is worth checking them out as Nlp. This is more so when you think that Nlp was developed as an effort at seeing ways in which individuals can come to be more successful by learning and learning from the lives of very successful individuals.

Developed in 1970 America, Nlp has been in use since then and based on scores of evidence, has been shown to be an strict body of knowledge. Recently, Individuals and business leaders have begun taking courses on mastering the stipulations of Nlp and subsequently utilizing them for a range of needs.

For instance, Nlp has been found to be of much relevance in the transportation studies, scholars like Dimmick have identified the importance of the prepositions that Nlp in communicating. This is because it has been shown to enable the user understand reality as it is to the conveyor of the message. This as we have already seen, enables good listening and communication.

Using productive transportation In Advertising your Business

One of the pillars of productive advertising is the pristine application of the belief of anchoring. Anchoring is a belief grounded in Nlp, it involves persuasion of individuals into performing an performance of your own interest, by exploiting a person's prior caress of an event/ stamp (such as the use of images and other audio- optical media recognizable to a single market to trigger the market into the performance that the wholesaler desires).

For instance, colors hold symbolic meanings; green ordinarily denotes the earth, nature, life, environmental conservation and more recently green energy. A product aiming to petition to environmentally conscious individuals may opt to have green as the color of its packaging. This may also elucidate why green is the colour a commonly used for the recycling logos found on the packages of many household items.

Another base use of anchoring in advertising is using catchy phrases that bear sure meaning to population of a given cultural identity to sell a product. An example that indeed comes to mind is the phrase "catch a big Mac" used in advertising burgers of a important fast food franchise.

Effective Communication: The case of the Toyota Car Recall

Recently, the world's largest car manufacturer had to achieve a recall on any of its popular brands following worldwide reports of a defective acceleration pedal that posed a hazard to its customers. It should be noted that in business, the possibility of product recall is always real even in settings where potential operate measures are well organized and high manufacturing standards are adhered to. This should awake us to the fact that the Toyota situation is in no way unique to Toyota.

According to a description published in 2003 by the British retail Consortium, these events (product recalls)usually occur without warning and in occurring, they gift serious challenges to the prestige of a business and its brand. This puts the hereafter profits of the business at risk as the brand as elementary business informs us that a brand is the customary way via which fellowships present with their focus markets.

According to the same British retail Consortium report, transportation is central in handling a product recall. The step considerable in ensuring a successful product recall process is the setting up of an information administration system. This ideas should be indeed accessible even from remote locations. The information ideas should enable fast convention of crucial information such as serial numbers, make, batch numbers and the distribution area of the defective product.

The response team while a product recall, should be furnished with proper channels of transportation to ensure smooth running of the process. A good information administration ideas also enables the affected business to operate the information accessible to the public. This allows the business room to minimize damage to its brand and other preclude the effects spilling over to unaffected products that they it could also be producing.

A good information administration ideas enables tracing of products. product tracing in a recall, starts with investigating the origin of the raw materials used in manufacturing the product straight through its distribution chain and ending at its consumption.

Toyota managed to emerge from this fall back as testified by their recently released financial results which showed a strong run emanating into a behalf of 2billion Us dollars; an number similar to what the recall process had cost the corporation whose home is in Detroit's sister city in Japan- Toyota. On top of this, Toyota suffered a 16million Us dollar fine for poor administration of one aspect of communication. Despite its efforts, along with its president Toyoda's tearful defense of his business in front of a senate committee, Toyota still stood guilty for failing to suffice regulatory authorities with information of a inherent break in its potential chain important to deaths in America. Such, is the cost of mis-communication.

How is this helpful to a small business owner?

Product recalls have been used here as a mark for the range of draw backs that a business can suffer while operations. Entrepreneurs can pick this example and extrapolate its lessons whenever their business has to settle a dispute with a customer, victualer and even regulatory body.

Online business is the business of effectiveness in communication

In the words of the entrepreneur turned mogul, world icon, role model, philanthropist and self- confessed nerd turned "most popular kid in the playground"; the world's most successful entrepreneur- Bill Gates:

"I think it's fair to say that personal computers have come to be the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user".........

"I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances transportation has profound effects in terms of how population can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in."

Online article producers can apply transportation skills in addition their audience and subsequently their earnings from traffic tied portals like Google AdSense and yahoo ads. Those attached to Online publishing portals (where freelancers, bloggers and Online writers find a home to write while earning money) like Triond, Bukisa, e- How articles, Helium and Obuolo should think mastering communicating online as it at the heart of their trade. In similar fashion to the instances discussed earlier, their success in the cyberspace and resoluteness of their brand in the crowded blogosphere is dependent on how well the master communication.

Seo is communicating with hunt engines

It may surprise many that the much talked about hunt machine Optimization techniques are nothing more than ways in which Online publishers can present effectively with hunt engines.

The other popular technique employed in Online business to increase site traffic, the sharing of articles on communal networking platforms like Stumble Upon, Facebook and Digg; rely on potential transportation between members of those communal networks, Internet users and providers of Online goods and products.

Mao Tse-tung on listening and communicating:

In wrapping up this rather lengthy branch it is worth musing on the words of the founding father of modern China Mao Tse-tung:

"We should never pretend to know what we don't know, we should not feel ashamed to ask and learn from population below, and we should listen carefully to the views of the cadres at the bottom levels. Be a pupil before you come to be a teacher; learn from the cadres at the lower levels before you issue orders."
-Mao Tse-tung

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